24 may, 2024 by Eric Dunkelberger

During the presidential debates in 1980 between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, one question took center stage: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” Under President Carter, the inflation rate had ballooned to 20% and people were feeling the pain. It was so oppressive, a new term was coined, the Misery Factor. Ultimately, The answer was a resounding “No” and Ronald Reagan won election as the 40th President of the United States. Both the tenure of Reagan’s Presidency and the question that played a role in that tenure are a huge part of history.

Fast forward 44 years and it’s debate season again. Next month will be the first Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and that question could be there front and center. The question may not be officially asked, but the comparison will be there. While the Biden Abomination refuses to tell the truth about the economy. They continue to say the inflation rate is going down, but the lie is that the rate is still going up, just at a slower pace. The truth is, under Biden, inflation is up at least 20% and, on some things, 30%. gas has almost doubled except when Biden empties the Strategic Reserve (as he’s doing now).

Of course, the economy isn’t exactly the only issue in question. Perhaps, the question should be, “Are you as safe now as four years ago?” Again, that’s a quick “No”! From wide open borders to rampant crime to DA’s soft on crime attitudes to a criminally rogue Department of (In)Justice. Throw in the still under funded law enforcement and, no wonder people don’t feel safe. The Biden Abomination insists that crime rates have gone down, but, to make that appear so, lower class felonies are downgraded to misdemeanors. Basically, all crimes are downgraded, unless you are Donald Trump, in which case misdemeanors are upgraded to felonies, as in the current trial in Manhattan.

When it comes down to it, given the choice between now and then, no matter upon which issue, I’d choose then! Our paychecks went a whole lot further, and we had money left over at the end of the month! Our property was safer, our families were safer, our liberties. Even prayer was safer! We had a military more concerned with warfighting than climate change (really?) or social justice. Our enemies were actually fearful of going against our military!

When Covid became an issue four years ago, our Governor, without meeting with the Council of State, started dictating edicts (it’s what DemCommunists do after all), changing work routines, restricting travel, forced masking, social distancing and making up all kinds of restrictions. You could go to WalMart but you couldn’t go to church! We did have services outside for a while, but you had to wear a mask. I went to service wearing a gas mask. Hey, it was actually more effective than the masks we were give. Those masks were like trying to keep mosquitoes out of the yard with a chain link fence! The whole thing was a hoax and far too many gave up liberty for a little faux safety!

I am an unvaxxed Pureblood. I traveled as I wished, unmasked! I voted in person. When (if) the DemCommunists try is hoax again, and I’m sure they will try. I’ll be doing the same thing then as now. Will You?