28 May, 2024 by Eric Dunkelberger

As everyone knows, the closing arguments began in President Trump’s “Hush money” trial this morning. Pres. Trump gave his daily pre-trial statements, giving testimonials from well known lawyers as to how unconstitutional, banana-republicish and downright loaded in favor of the prosecution this hearing is. This sham of a court case has nothing to do with truth and everything to do with ignominy! They don’t care what is best for the country, they just don’t want to lose their power.

The Biden Abomination has, from the beginning, claimed they had no part of the travesty of justice! This is not an attack against a political opponent, as happens so often in banana republics or Communist countries. I’m pretty sure there was a Putin opponent that was thrown into jail a few years ago.

As I say, the Biden Abomination is claiming they aren’t behind any of this, but the claims are falling on deaf ears. The entire DemCommunist Party has a credibility problem. The whole Executive Branch has nothing but liars employed, especially the White House and the Department of InJustice. The White House tells Americans to ignore their hard-hit wallets and listen to how great the economy is. The Dept. of InJustice and Homeland Security tell Americans they have complete control of the border and there is no migrant issue. The truth usually comes out; ironically they are the ones that spill the truth by accident.

But, now, it’s official! The Biden campaign inadvertently admitted they are connected to the witch hunt going on against President Trump. This morning, just as the court session began, the Campaign announced a press conference. At the appointed time, the face of Trump Derangement Syndrome appeared, briefly wearing a mask (evidently, he’s spent too much time in Hollyweird). What followed was nothing but DemCommunist, anti-Trump rhetoric. “If Trump wins, it will be the end of democracy.” If he wins, he will never leave the White House after his term ends.”

The truth is, the DemCommunists are well on the way to destroying the country, much less Democracy (this is still a Republic, by the way). In reality, it’s obvious that the DemCommunist definition of Democracy is Total Chaos. That means Democracy is already dead and rigor mortis has set in already! And the idea that Trump wouldn’t leave after his term is ridiculous. He left in January 2021, and he had more reason not to! It’s typical DemCommunist rhetoric without a shred of truth!

Court ran long today. The closing arguments were backwards. The defense usually goes last, but the prosecution had the last word today. There was even an objection made against the defense, which rarely happens. The jury gets the case tomorrow and President Trump should hear the verdict soon. Hopefully not too soon!