18, May, 2024 by Eric Dunkelberger

Have you noticed that every time the DemCommunists gird their loins for battle with their political opponent, they get out in front of every camera they can find (not that it is difficult to find a camera with a sycophant, state controlled media following them around) to declare they need to win “for the good of Democracy”? Or they might insist their position is necessary to “save Democracy”. Those viewpoints have increased in frequency since President Trump started his campaign to win back the White House.

Herein lies the problem. They want to save the Democracy, while We the People want to save the Republic! There is a huge difference. In a democracy, the people make decisions directly, by vote. In a republic, the people elect representatives to act on their behalves. The representatives are bound by a Constitution, limiting the powers of the government. Democracies don’t necessarily have a governing constitution.

The United States was formed by the Founding Fathers as a Representative Republic. After the decision was made a lady asked Benjamin Franklin, one of the delegates making that decision, what form of government we were to have. Franklin responded, “A Republic, madam, if you can keep it”. The Founders set about to create a Constitution to tell the government what they could do and, more importantly, what it can’t do. Upon completion of the document, the people wanted more assurances, so the Bill of Rights was written, enumerating the people’s rights. In a republic under a constitution and, in our case, bolstered by a Bill of Rights, there is a focus on individual rights and limiting government rights.

In reality, the DemCommunists don’t actually want to save the democracy. They don’t want to be bound by the US Constitution. They really don’t care about the people. They just want the power! They want the control. Covid just tested what they had to do to monopolize the power and how far they could go to restrict the people’s rights in the process! With Covid, they proved they could tell you where you could go and where you couldn’t. You could go to Wally World or the alcohol store, but it was unsafe to go to church! You couldn’t visit your sick relatives in the hospital, but you could ballot harvest in that same hospital! Far too many gave up freedom for a bit of perceived safety. Not enough saw through the hype!

Thomas Jefferson said, “The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.” The DemCommunist Party, as it exists today, is in open warfare with those rights. Currently, there are too few people in Washington willing to stand up to them. We need to send people willing to fight for our rights as our representatives. And, We the People need Trump!